Yes to enable preloader
Select a preloader animation from the list
Select a background color for preloader
Select a text color for preloader
Ausgewähltes Bild
Upload a 16px x 16px .png or .gif image that will be your favicon.
Boxed Layout
Enable this option for boxed layout.
1170 px
Boxed Layout Width. Use pixels or %. Default is 1170px.
0 px
Boxed Layout Spacing (top and bottom). Use pixels for spacing (margin) at the top and bottom. Default is 0 (no spacing/margin).
Define a background color for “Boxed Layout”.
Logo Type
Select logo type from the list.
Select a suitable module position where you want to display this feature.
if your selected module position (for feature) has also module then it will works. This is specially where you want to show this feature, before module or after module
Ausgewähltes Bild
Select/upload logo image.
Kein Bild ausgewählt.
Ausgewähltes Bild
Upload a double size of your logo to keep look great of higher resulationary devices like retina or 5k display.
Kein Bild ausgewählt.
Ausgewähltes Bild
This logo will be shown in mobile view instead of default logo. Leave blank if you do not want to show different logo for mobile devices.
Enter logo text.
Enter slogan text.
Body Background Image
Kein Bild ausgewählt.
Ausgewähltes Bild
Select image which will be used as the background. To remove a background image, simply delete the URL from the settings field.
Set how a background image will be repeated. By default, a background-image is no repeated, and the image is placed at the top left corner.
Set the size of the background image. Default vaule is cover - is means scale the background image to be as large as possible so that the background area is completely covered by the background image.
Set whether a background image attachment is fixed or scrolls.
Set the starting position of a background image.
Social Icons
Social Icons
Enable this option to show social icons.
Select a suitable module position where you want to display this feature.
if your selected module position (for feature) has also module then it will works. This is specially where you want to show this feature, before module or after module
Input the full URL to your Facebook profile page.
Input the full URL to your Twitter profile page.
Input the full URL to your Google+ profile page.
Input the full URL to your Instagram profile page.
Input the full URL to your Pinterest profile page.
Input the full URL to your Linkedin profile page.
Input the full URL to your Dribbble profile page.
Input the full URL to your Behance profile page.
Input the full URL to your YouTube profile page.
Input the full URL to your Flickr profile page.
Input your Skype Name, a unique user name that is used to sign in to Skype.
Input your WhatsApp Username, a unique username that is used to sign in to WhatsApp.
Input the full URL to your VK profile page.
Insert your custom url with FontAwesome icon, eg. fa-thumbs-up http://flex.aplikko.com
Contact Information
Enable this option to show contact information.
Select a suitable module position where you want to display this feature.
Add phone number here. Leave blank if no phone is required.
Custom icon for Phone number field, for example: “fas fa-phone” (Font Awesome icon) or “pe pe-7s-headphones” (Pixeden icon). If empty, default icon will be shown.

Add mobile number here. Leave blank if no phone is required.
Custom icon for Mobile Number field, for example: “fas fa-mobile-alt” (Font Awesome icon) or “pe pe-7s-phone” (Pixeden icon). If empty, default icon will be shown.

Add email address here. Leave blank if no email is required.
Email Cloaking
Enable or disable Email protection which cloaks email addresses, making them unreadable for spambots. You can disable it, if you are experiencing javascript conflict. Default value is “Yes”.
Custom Icon for Email field, for example: “fas fa-envelope” (Font Awesome icon) or “pe pe-7s-mail” (Pixeden icon). If empty, default icon will be shown.

Insert your open hours here. eg. Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:30
Custom Icon for Open Hours field, for example: “far fa-clock” (Font Awesome icon) or “pe pe-7s-timer” (Pixeden icon). If empty, default icon will be shown.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon Mode
Helix3 introduces a Coming Soon page which allows you to display a stylish page indicating that your site is either being worked on or under construction
Write a headline for your Coming soon page.
Insert date used for Countdown timer
Description field so you can let visitors know what’s coming. Tip: Add also contact info.
Kein Bild ausgewählt.
Ausgewähltes Bild
Select/upload image for Coming Soon image. If no image is selected, default color will be used for background.
Kein Bild ausgewählt.
Ausgewähltes Bild
Select a Coming Soon page logo, and if you leave it blank, then will get template logo.
Error Page (404)
Kein Bild ausgewählt.
Ausgewähltes Bild
Select/upload image for “Error Page” image. If no image is selected, default color will be used for background.
Offline Page
Kein Bild ausgewählt.
Ausgewähltes Bild
Select/upload image for “Offline Page” image. If no image is selected, default color will be used for background.
Countdown timer
Enable or Disable Coming Soon Countdown timer?
You can insert custom content for “Countdown timer”. For example: “We'll be back in:”
Insert date used for Countdown timer
Boxed Layout
Body Background Image
Social Icons
Contact Information
Coming Soon
Error Page (404)
Offline Page
Preset Styles
Styling Options
Define a background solid color that will show behind the content.
The color attribute specifies the main color of the text.
Major color setting based on chosen Preset
Define a background solid color that will show behind the content.
The color attribute specifies the main color of the text.
Major color setting based on chosen Preset
Define a background solid color that will show behind the content.
The color attribute specifies the main color of the text.
Major color setting based on chosen Preset
Define a background solid color that will show behind the content.
The color attribute specifies the main color of the text.
Major color setting based on chosen Preset
Define a background solid color that will show behind the content.
The color attribute specifies the main color of the text.
Major color setting based on chosen Preset
Define a background solid color that will show behind the content.
The color attribute specifies the main color of the text.
Major color setting based on chosen Preset
Define a background solid color that will show behind the content.
The color attribute specifies the main color of the text.
Major color setting based on chosen Preset
Define a background solid color that will show behind the content.
The color attribute specifies the main color of the text.
Major color setting based on chosen Preset
Preset Styles
Styling Options
80 px
Use slider to specify height for your Header. For example: 90px. The range is from 40px to 150px. Default is 90.
Select custom background color for Header. Background color can be also “RGBA” color (with alpha transparency) to create semi-transparent effect.
Select custom Megamenu “Dropdown” background color. Megamenu “Dropdown” links are second, third and fourth level links (menu items) showing under “Top level (parent) links”. Background color can be also “RGBA” color (with alpha transparency) to create semi-transparent effect.
Select custom Megamenu Dropdown text color. Megamenu “Dropdown” links are second, third and fourth level links (menu items) showing under “Top level (parent) links”.
Sticky Header
Enable Sticky Header
Enable to get the header content area to stay visible at the top of the screen as you scroll through that content. Header tend to contain navigation and this may improve UX of website.
Kein Bild ausgewählt.
Ausgewähltes Bild
Select (Upload) custom “Sticky” Logo, that will appear only in “Sticky Header”. Can be an JPG, GIF, PNG image or SVG graphic (with URL path to SVG graphic in uploader). If empty, Default logo will show.
Select Animation Effect for appearing of the Sticky Header, when scrolled. Default effect is: “Fade In Down”.
70 px
Use slider to specify height for your Sticky Header. For example: 60px. The range is from 40px to 100px. Default is 75px.
Define custom background color for “Sticky Header”. Background color can be also “RGBA” color (with alpha transparency) to create semi-transparent effect.
Use this option to specify exact point where Sticky Header should appear (from the top). The range is from 1px to 1000px. Default is 250px.
Sticky Header
Mega Menu
Select menu to display as Main menu
Select a suitable menu type from the list. You need to add module to offcanvas position from the Module Manager.
Off Canvas Icon
Choose Icon for “Off Canvas toggler”, between Font Awesome and Pixeden icons (toggler icon). Default is “Font Awesome”.

Input width of mega menu dropdown.
Select dropdown menu animation from the list.
Select a animation for off canvas menu
Define custom text color for Off Canvas.
Define custom text color for Off Canvas.
Mega Menu
Google Fonts ListYou may require Google Fonts API Key to update the font list. Get your API Key from here: https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/developer_api
Get your API key from the link given above and click the Save button after inserting the API Key.
One Click update
It allows you to refresh the list of available Google fonts. If there are any new ones, this button allows you to quickly update fonts with just one click, and they will be automatically added in to Helix 3 Framework.
Body FontThis google font will be applied on <body> tag.
Enable google for this CSS Selector.
Set the default font.
Heading1 FontThis google font will be applied on <h1> tag.
Enable google for this CSS Selector.
Set the default font.
Heading2 FontThis google font will be applied on <h2> tag.
Enable google for this CSS Selector.
Set the default font.
Heading3 FontThis google font will be applied on <h3> tag.
Enable google for this CSS Selector.
Set the default font.
Heading4 FontThis google font will be applied on <h4> tag.
Enable google for this CSS Selector.
Set the default font.
Heading5 FontThis google font will be applied on <h5> tag.
Enable google for this CSS Selector.
Set the default font.
Heading6 FontThis google font will be applied on <h6> tag.
Enable google for this CSS Selector.
Set the default font.
Navigation FontThis google font will be applied on main navigation.
Enable google for this CSS Selector.
Set the default font.
Custom FontApply this google font to any custom CSS selector.
Enable google for this CSS Selector.
Set the default font.
Add custom CSS selectors. Separated by comma.
Google Fonts ListYou may require Google Fonts API Key to update the font list. Get your API Key from here: https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/developer_api
Body FontThis google font will be applied on <body> tag.
Heading1 FontThis google font will be applied on <h1> tag.
Heading2 FontThis google font will be applied on <h2> tag.
Heading3 FontThis google font will be applied on <h3> tag.
Heading4 FontThis google font will be applied on <h4> tag.
Heading5 FontThis google font will be applied on <h5> tag.
Heading6 FontThis google font will be applied on <h6> tag.
Navigation FontThis google font will be applied on main navigation.
Custom FontApply this google font to any custom CSS selector.
Custom Code
Any code you place here will appear in the head section of every page of your site. This is useful when you need to add verification code, javascript or css links to all pages.
Any code you place here will appear in bottom of body section of all pages of your site. This is useful if you need to input a tracking code for a state counter such as Google Analytics or Clicky.
You can use custom CSS to add your own styles or overwrite default CSS of a template or extension. This option is good small changes in the stylesheets. For more extensive changes (more then 10 lines of code) we suggest to use the custom.css file.
You can add custom javascripts code. It loads your custom Javascript file after all other Javascript files (except special hard coded occasions), allowing you to be the last one who will affect your website.
Custom Code
Cache Settings
Compress CSS
Compress Javascripts
Enter the names of javascript files seperated by comma that you don't want to compress. e.g. jquery.min.js, main.js
Compress HTML
Strip Whitespace
Strip (trim) whitespace (or other characters) from the page that will remove/delete all extra spaces from text. You can transform some badly formatted text into a nice clean web page.
Compile LESS to CSS
Helix 3 is developed with LESS. When customize your site, we suggest you to work with LESS files. All your changes in the LESS files will be compiled into the final CSS files. It will override previus changes.
Lazy Load Images
Enable Lazy Load
Use this option to enable “Lazy loading” for images, throughout the website. Lazy loading is technique that defers loading of non-critical resources at page load time, and makes page loading significantly faster. When someone adds a image to a web page, the resource references a small placeholder. As a user browses the web page, the actual resource is cached by the browser and replaces the placeholder when the resource becomes visible on the user’s screen. When we lazy load elements, we use JavaScript to check if they’re in the viewport. If they are, their src (and sometimes data-src) attributes are populated with URLs to the desired image content.
Smooth Scroll
Smooth Scroll Version
Smooth scrolling experience for websites. This is the standalone version of SmoothScroll for individual websites and themes. You can choose between 1.3.8 (old) version and latest 1.4.9, or disable it if you experience problems. Default value is “Version 1.3.8”.
Export/Import Settings
Mootools Fixes
Remove Mootools
If you're facing problem caused by Mootools library (javascripts), then you can disable all javascripts that are part of Mootools library. Mootools has not been supported for Joomla 3+, mostly because it is causing this conflict with jQuery (jQuery is default part of Joomla 3.x core). Default is “No”.
Remove Joomla Generator Tag
Remove Joomla Generator Tag
You can remove Remove Joomla Generator Tag: meta name=“generator” content=“Joomla! - Open Source Content Management”
Cache Settings
Compress HTML
Lazy Load Images
Smooth Scroll
Export/Import Settings
Mootools Fixes
Remove Joomla Generator Tag
Blog Layout
Choose Blog Layout
Choose which Blog layout will be used for blog: Masonry or Classic. Default is “Masonry”.
0 px
Use slider to specify “spacing” for item. This will be “inner spacing” for all items (articles). For example: 10px. The range is from 0px to 40px. Default is 0.
You can set “custom” color for all Blog items (articles).
Post Format
Show Icon
Enable this to show post format icon.
Custom Icon for Standard Post Format, for example: “fas fa-pen-square” (Font Awesome icon) or “pe pe-7s-note” (Pixeden icon). If empty, default icon will be shown.
Custom Icon for Video Post Format, for example: “fas fa-video” (Font Awesome icon) or “pe pe-7s-video” (Pixeden icon). If empty, default icon will be shown.
Custom Icon for Audio Post Format, for example: “fas fa-music” (Font Awesome icon) or “pe pe-7s-music” (Pixeden icon). If empty, default icon will be shown.
Custom Icon for Status Post Format, for example: “far fa-comment” (Font Awesome icon) or “pe pe-7s-comment” (Pixeden icon). If empty, default icon will be shown.
Custom Icon for Quote Post Format, for example: “fas fa-quote-left” (Font Awesome icon) or “pe pe-7s-news-paper” (Pixeden icon). If empty, default icon will be shown.
Custom Icon for Additional Post Format, for example: “fas fa-shopping-cart” (Font Awesome icon) or “pe pe-7s-cart” (Pixeden icon). If empty, default icon will be shown.
Comments Settings
Choose which commenting engine will be used for blog post. Select disable in order to hide comments from joomla article.
Set the subdomain that you registered at disqus.com
Disqus Developer Mode
Enable this option if you are testing behind a firewall or proxy, and not yet on your live site.
Set the intenseDebate account
Set the Facebook Application ID, visit https://developers.facebook.com/apps to get application id
Width of the comments plugin in pixel, eg. 500. Note: Facebook doesn't provide a Facebook Comment code for responsive (fluid grid) websites. It uses only static width for comments box.
Set the number of comments to displayed per page
Comments Count
Show comments count on blog view or frontpage
Social Share
Enable Social Share
Enable this option to social share buttons in joomla blog list or single article.
Share On Facebook
Share On Twitter
Share On Linkedin
Image Sizes
Enable Small Image
Enable small size image feature. Disable if not required.
Set the small image size in pixels. e.g 100x100
Enable Thumbnail Image
Enable image thumbnail feature. Disable if not required.
Set the thumbnail image size in pixels. e.g 200x200
Enable Medium Image
Enable medium size image feature. Disable if not required.
Set the medium image size in pixels. e.g 300x300
Enable Large Image
Enable large size image feature. Disable if not required.
Set the large image size in pixels. e.g 600x600
Select an image size for blog list. By default if a featured image will be shown if available.
Blog Layout
Post Format
Comments Settings
Social Share
Image Sizes

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Please publish modules in offcanvas position.

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